It’s my absolute honour to connect with you and provide a safe and happy space for you to reconnect with your own feminine beauty. Embarking on this journey with you is a privilege. I'm your coach, supporter and cheerleader. You've got this.. Let's create something special for you!
DONT MISS THIS - Throughout January and February, we are offering our famous Boudoir for upto 50% off. Get it quick before sold out. Buy Now
We love witnessing the emotions of our customers when giving a quick peek a boo to the camera display, sharing the progress of shoots. It's rewarding to hear common remarks "I did'nt know I could look so beautiful"
No Minimum Spend on After Sales when it comes to packages and or print purchases. No pressure and no awkward props to make you look like a fantasy character. No Fuss, plenty of laughs, complimentary beverages. Professional and Attractive Boudoir service in a guaranteed safe environment!
We don't Restrict you to an Unrealistic or Unfair minimum spend. We want your business and to share the experience with you. Want five prints, no hassles, want to pay via instalments, no problem! we make Boudoir affordable for everyone!, We've got you!
Felt like a million dollars during my boudoir shoot. Plenty of laughs and he made me feel so relaxed.
Highly recommend Shaun, I didnt realise I could look so good. He made me feel like I was a natural.
Shaun was so flexible and I to be honest didnt expect I had it in me to look like a super model. Thanks heaps.
"I never knew I could look so beautiful"
"Shaun made me feel so comfortable and at ease"
"Well worth every cent, was an impressive service"
"Highly recommend Shaun, provided such a memorable day"
"Wow, my photo collection was impressive. I feel so sexy now"